Precision and Recall
Precision and Recall
Consider a time series with change-points at moments , , ..., . Suppose that an algorithm recognises change points at moments , , ..., . Following [1], a set of correctly detected change-points is defined as True Positive (TP):
where is a margin size, maximum distance allowed between true and predicted change points. Then, Precision and Recall metrics are calculated as follows:
[1] C. Truong, L. Oudre, N. Vayatis. Selective review of offline change point detection methods. Signal Processing, 167:107299, 2020. [journal]
PR curve
Suppose that we know detection scores , , ..., for all recognised change points. Let's calculate Precision and Recall metrics for different threshold values for the scores:
PR curve is the dependency of Precision form Recall.
from roerich.metrics import precision_recall_scores, precision_recall_curve, auc_score
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
cps_true = [100, 200, 300, 400, 500]
cps_pred = [105, 230, 310, 350, 405, 490]
cps_score_pred = [1, 2, 3, 0.1, 5, 6]
# precision and recall
precision, recall = precision_recall_scores(cps_true, cps_pred, window=20)
print('Precision: ', precision)
print('Recall: ', recall)
# PR curve and AUC
thr, precision, recall = precision_recall_curve(cps_true, cps_pred, cps_score_pred, window=20)
auc = auc_score(thr, precision, recall)
print("PR AUC: ", auc)
# visualization
plt.plot(recall, precision)